Oxygen is essential for proper functioning. Without it, cells become anaerobic and disease develops.
If your body is struggling with an anaerobic state, you may need special therapy in the form of ozone, carbon monoxide, intravenous vitamin C, or ultraviolet radiation from the blood.
Before I reviewed normal saturation index, saturation for children, etc…
Today let’s see what will happen when saturation drops at night, at Normal Oxygen Levels While Sleeping
Looking for The Best Pulse Oximeter?
Let me tell you about the Wellue O2Ring – it’s like the superhero of pulse oximeters, seriously!
One of the coolest things about it is that it doesn’t just clip onto your finger like your average oximeter.
Nope, it’s a smart ring that you wear on your finger, making it super comfortable and convenient. You won’t even feel like you’re wearing anything special, yet it’s working its magic behind the scenes.
What sets the Wellue O2Ring apart from the pack is its continuous monitoring feature.
Most pulse oximeters just give you a snapshot of your oxygen saturation and heart rate, but this bad boy keeps tabs on your levels around the clock.
Whether you’re chilling on the couch, out for a jog, or catching those Z’s, it’s right there with you, providing real-time data.
Oh, and speaking of data, this thing doesn’t just show you numbers – it visualizes your trends over time too.
Imagine having a personal health diary that tells you when you’re acing life and when you might need to take it easy. It’s like having a health-conscious buddy right on your finger!
If you’re already itching to get your hands on the Wellue O2Ring (or, well, your finger in this case), I’ve got you covered.
Table of Contents
What Happens When Saturation Drops While Sleeping?
Due to a rapid decrease of the oxygen level at night, serious changes in metabolism may occur, leading to obesity, and patients tend to gain weight.
As the weight problem increases, the metabolic changes become more pronounced, making it increasingly difficult for the patient to lose weight.
The decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, which occurs as a result of depression of breathing during a night’s sleep, is recorded by sensitive sensors located in the blood vessels and nerve endings of the brain, and in order to saturate the body with oxygen, reflex mechanisms begin to be activated that improve blood circulation.
These processes in the body cause problems such as high blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and stroke, which often also occur in patients with sleep apnea.
Patients with a respiratory distress index greater than 20 episodes of apnea per hour are defined as having a higher relative risk of sudden death relative to normal. In this regard, immediate treatment of patients in this subgroup is required.
In this case properly conducted CPAP therapy can improve the general condition of patients – eliminates daytime sleepiness, increases efficiency, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces weight and stops low saturation levels.
What are normal oxygen levels while sleeping?
During sleep, a person’s saturation (the level of oxygen saturation in the blood) drops, which can be especially life-threatening for patients with sleep apnea..
I spent several nights measuring the oxygen saturation in his blood. I found that during the deep sleep phase, the level of saturation drops sharply. I am a healthy person, my saturation level dropped to 88%. I can assume that in patients with COVID and sleep apnea, the level of oxygen drops much more…
Oxygen level 87 while sleeping, What to do?
The oxygenation (a method of saturating the patient with oxygen) below 87% at night for some patients can be the norm. However, it is still a lot of stress for the brain.
The scientists suppose that extensive hypoxia can have a neurotoxic effect on the brain.
Such damage may not even be visible, it may be diffuse, but this is one of the serious consequences of COVID.

Low saturation Index Can Be a Symptom of Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) main symptoms might be :
- During Sleep ,Blood oxygen saturation levels below 85% and it goes for a moderate sleep apnea,
- During Sleep, When saturation is falling below 60% it means severe sleep apnea.
The Symptoms of Low Saturation at Night:
- Cyanosis – cyanosis of the skin, nails and lips.
- Dyspnea. Increasing the frequency of breaths, a person wants to inhale more air, but the breaths are superficial.
- Cardiopalmus.
- Drowsiness, fatigue, headache, decreased attention;
- With a chronic lack of O2, the shape of the phalanges of the fingers changes.
How can I get More Oxygen While Sleeping?
Polysomnography is the most accurate method for diagnosing rapid oxygen drop and sleep disorders. It is not possible to diagnose oxygen drop without a polysomnographic examination.
The polysomnography study is carried out during normal night sleep, according to the characteristics of the device used during the test, information is read about the processes occurring in the patient’s body during the procedure, such as the duration and number of respiratory arrests, heart rate, body position during sleep, blood oxygen saturation level, snoring sound intensity, brain electrical activity, presence of negative airway pressure, then the obtained values are recorded for analysis at the end of the sleep period.
Sleep testing is usually performed in specialized sleep centers, and portable devices and systems are also available that allow patients to be tested at home.
A 3-4 hour sleep analysis with REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep is sufficient to establish a diagnosis of low saturation at night.
As a result of relaxation of the muscles in the throat during REM sleep, the airways remain stationary, while there is reduced muscle tension during non-REM sleep. Therefore, the collapse of the upper airway wall becomes more pronounced during REM sleep. The testing procedure should be repeated without REM sleep.
Another method to increase oxygen level is the Sleep Endoscopy. Recently, it has become an increasingly preferred method for evaluating patients diagnosed with low saturation at night.
During the sleep endoscopy procedure, the patient is given intravenous anesthesia on an outpatient basis and, through endoscopy, immersion in a deep sleep state with medications that mimic normal sleep, thus assessing the level and form of obstruction.
Such an assessment made it possible to choose the most appropriate surgical or non-surgical methods of intervention depending on the site of the problem, in particular in patients with root of the tongue difficulties, the ability to control the effect of opening the airways through the use of intraoral devices.
How to Increase Oxygen Levels While Sleeping?
Antioxidants in the diet. | The substance helps the body use oxygen more efficiently, thereby controlling its level. Doctors recommend including blackberries, blueberries, beans and some other foods in the diet. |
Breathing exercises. | Another effective way to oxygenate the blood is through slow and deep breathing exercises.
Through this practice, you can get more air into the lungs, and thus the body will receive more oxygen. |
Drink more fluids. | Even if a person is absolutely healthy, it is important to monitor how much water the body consumes every day.
The person should not feel dehydrated. Water is important for oxygenation of the blood. The more a person drinks, the easier it is to maintain the level of moisture, and the ability to saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide depends on this. |
Physical activity or aerobic gymnastics. | To increase the level of oxygen, you need to do various exercises every day. Aerobic gymnastics will help relieve breathing problems. |
Oxygen Therapy | When the saturation is below 95%, the doctor prescribes oxygen therapy with an oxygen concentrator – a device that produces oxygen from the surrounding air.
Oxygen generators differ in oxygen performance and are prescribed according to individual clinical indications:

Does Lying Down Lower Oxygen Levels?
Low oxygen levels are significantly aggravated in the supine position due to retraction of the tongue, which is confirmed by complaints from patients’ relatives and sleep tests.
The recommended position for taking patients with snoring and sleep apnea is lateral. There are special devices and pillows to get rid of the position on the back, as well as an effective way, on night pajamas or a special vest, a pocket is sewn between the shoulder blades, into which a shady ball is placed.
Nasal congestion is a serious problem that increases the severity of snoring and sleep apnea...
The prone position is one of the most effective and scientifically proven ways to quickly raise oxygen levels in the body. Doctors advise their patients to do this. A person whose blood oxygen level has dropped should lie on their stomach with a raised chest, supported by several pillows or some clothing. You can also put a pillow under your neck and two under your stomach.
What are normal oxygen levels when you sleep?
During sleep, a person’s saturation (the level of oxygen saturation in the blood) drops
The saturation rate for a healthy person while they are sleeping is considered to be 93% or more of hemoglobin associated with oxygen.
This is saturation – the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in the blood.
At night, Is recommended to call a doctor when the saturation drops to 92%.
Saturations of 92% and below are generally considered critical. A person with such a low blood oxygen level needs urgent medical attention.
There are exceptions.
For example, in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is common in smokers, the saturation index can be from 88% to 92%.
Usually the body of such people is adapted to a lower level of oxygen.
If you have a pulmonological disease, your doctor will tell you which saturation value should be an alarm for you.
How much do oxygen levels drop at night?
During sleep, a person’s saturation (the level of oxygen saturation in the blood) drops till 92/93 %.
Saturations below 92% are generally considered critical.
A person with such a low blood oxygen level needs urgent medical attention.
There are exceptions. For example, in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is common in smokers, the saturation index can be from 88% to 92%.
Usually the body of such people is adapted to a lower level of oxygen.
If you have a pulmonological disease, your doctor will tell you which saturation value should be an alarm for you.
What happens when oxygen becomes scarce?
Shortness of breath, chest pain, confusion, headache and rapid heartbeat, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and fingertips – such unpleasant symptoms can appear if the level of oxygen in the blood begins to fall.
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