Category: Sleep
Using Pulse Oximetry to Detect Sleep Apnea
In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), intermittent narrowing or complete blockage of the upper airway can occur, preventing airflow. Breathing can stop or become shallow, and pauses in breathing can last from a few seconds to minutes. Furthermore, this can occur 30 times or more per hour. Obstruction of airflow can lead to a state of…
Hammocking with Sleep Apnea
If you or someone you know has sleep apnea, you may have wondered if sleeping in a hammock is a possible solution to not having to use a CPAP machine at night while camping. There are also many avid campers out there with sleep apnea wondering if hammock camping is a possibility for them. Here,…
7+ Best Dental Appliance for Sleep Apnea
For those patients with sleep apnea who find that CPAP masks do not work for them, is too uncomfortable or burdensome, or are just looking for a different sleep apnea treatment option, there are a couple of main alternatives: surgery or dental appliances. For this review, I carefully researched the many options out there to…
What Can Happen if Sleep Apnea Goes Untreated?
Do you or someone you know have sleep apnea? If your answer is yes, you most likely know that it’s a condition where you stop breathing for short stints throughout the night. This can lead to feelings of not being well-rested, like you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. Other better known side effects of…
11+ Best White Noise Fans for Your Peaceful Sleep
Ever felt like you’re starring in your own late-night symphony, conducted by creaky floors and distant sirens? I’m Julia, and I’ve danced that sleep-deprived tango. Did you know that the secret to a successful day begins with a well-rested night? But hey, life’s noisy, and scoring that sweet slumber can be like a quest for…
Backpacking with Sleep Apnea – What You Gotta to Know?
There’s something very therapeutic about unplugging and hiking through nature. The 2017 American Camper Report found that 40.5 million Americans go camping at least once a year. And of those Americans, they camped an average of 14.5 days per person. But getting outdoors can be difficult for people who suffer from sleep apnea. The American…
Wellue vs Owlet Baby Motion Monitors
Baby Motion Monitors are home apnea monitors that track the breathing and heart rate of sleeping babies. Usually the baby motion monitors are triggered if the child’s breathing stops briefly (apnea) or if the heart rate is unusually low. These monitors may seem like a good idea to worried parents. But most newborns don’t…