How Can I get More Oxygen at Night?

How Can I get More Oxygen at Night?

During sleep, when there is a significant decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pharynx, the muscles relax and conditions are created for the complete collapse of the airways, the vibration of the mucous membrane when the walls approach in the narrowed areas of the airways causes vibrations, the sound phenomenon of snoring.

As a result of the formation of a partial vacuum on the walls of the respiratory tract during breathing, the air channel collapses, breathing is reduced, and when the channel is completely closed, a complete cessation of breathing can occur…It is called Sleep Apnea.

So many people are interested in how I can get more oxygen at night.

What Are the Symptoms of Low Oxygen at Night?

Generally, in patients diagnosed with low oxygen at night, there is an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood during sleep, causing dysfunction of the bladder in children and frequent urinary incontinence, in adults, frequent urge to urinate.

Usually, patients with low oxygen at night have shortness of breath, chest pain, confusion, headache and rapid heartbeat, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and fingertips.

Due to sleep apnea, changes in metabolism occur, leading to obesity, patients tend to gain weight.

As the weight problem increases, the metabolic changes become more pronounced, making it increasingly difficult for the patient to lose weight.

Another consequence of nocturnal sleep apnea is increased sweating at night, traces of which are most often observed on the chest and neck.

How Low is Too Low for Oxygen While Sleeping?


It is recommended to call a doctor when the saturation drops to 94%.

Saturations of 92% and below are generally considered critical.

A person with such a low blood oxygen level needs urgent medical attention.

There are of course exceptions.

For example, in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is common in smokers, the saturation index can be from 88% to 92%.

For example, the indicator can drop to 92-94% during intense sports, when there is not enough oxygen due to high loads.

Usually, the body of such people is adapted to a lower level of oxygen.

If you have a pulmonological disease, your doctor will tell you which saturation value should be an alarm for you.

Why Does My Oxygen Go Low at Night?

The normal daily level of oxygen saturation in an adult is more than 95%.

Saturation from 94% to 90% indicates respiratory failure of the 1st degree.

With respiratory failure of the 2nd degree, saturation decreases to 89% -75%, less than 60% – hypoxic coma.

The causes of low oxygen saturation are not always associated with any diseases.

Oxygen levels are expected to decrease during sleep, and some users may experience readings even below 94%

The normal rate of oxygen saturation in the blood while sleeping in adults is 95-99% and is considered to be normal.

If the value drops below, the person is experiencing symptoms of hypoxia, or lack of oxygen.

For newborns, the situation will be different.

Babies have poorly developed lungs and little iron in their bodies, so an oxygen saturation of 98% and below, up to 92%, is considered normal.

A decrease in blood oxygen levels at night can signal:

– Respiratory diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, lung cancer, etc.) ;

– Violations of the quantitative composition of the blood (lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin);

– Heart defects (ischemic heart disease, congenital malformations, infectious lesions of the valves, etc.).

Other causes of low blood oxygen saturation in adults include being overweight and smoking.

How Can I get More Oxygen at Night?
How Can I get More Oxygen at Night?

How Do I Know If I Need Oxygen at Night?


The index of oxygen in the blood is monitored by healthy people and by people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, climbers – to prevent altitude sickness, pilots in sports aviation – to prevent hypoxia, athletes – to control physical activity and play sports at high altitude.

Increasing the oxygen content at night in the body is a natural way to get rid of hypoxia, it is a quick and effective way to always keep yourself in good shape.

For a healthy and active lifestyle, oxygen is simply necessary, but its lack has a detrimental effect on the human body.

Under the influence of oxygen, the general tone of the body noticeably increases, sleep also normalizes, it becomes deeper, the period of falling asleep decreases, and the saturation level stabilizes.

The positive effect of oxygen is primarily due to the elimination or reduction of hypoxia of the central nervous system.

Oxygen is indispensable for chronic fatigue syndrome, physical and mental overwork, to increase the overall tone of the body and performance.

How Can I Get More Oxygen at Night?

The prone position is one of the most effective and scientifically proven ways to quickly raise oxygen levels in the body.

Doctors advise their patients to do this. A person whose blood oxygen level has dropped should lie on their stomach with a raised chest, supported by several pillows or some clothing.

You can also put a pillow under your neck and two under your stomach.

Another effective way to oxygenate the blood is through slow and deep breathing exercises.

Through this practice, you can get more air into the lungs, and thus the body will receive more oxygen.

More and more people use the oxygen concentrator at home at night, realizing that there is nothing more valuable in life than the health of loved ones.

People notice how with oxygen the immunity is getting stronger, morbidity decreases, and their academic performance increases.

The oxygen concentrator gives everyone health and longevity, and improves oxygen at night.

Drink more liquid.

Even if a person is absolutely healthy, it is important to monitor how much water the body consumes every day.

The person should not feel dehydrated.

Water is important for oxygenation of the blood.

The more a person drinks, the easier it is to maintain the level of moisture, and the ability to saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide depends on this.


Do I need to Know My Saturation?

As a rule, no. The exception is if you have diseased lungs, and you are watching the dynamics of the disease.

Why Is The Oxygen Level in The Blood Low?

This can happen for various reasons. For example, problems may arise in diseases of the blood or respiratory system.

 After pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis often occurs when, due to the disease, “breathing” lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue.

This can be compared to closed windows. You’d love to breathe, but fresh air doesn’t come through tightly closed windows.

Another reason is blood diseases.

For example, anemia is common. When there are not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin itself, then there is simply nothing for oxygen to move around the body.

In this case, the saturation also falls below normal.

What Should Be the Saturation During Sleep?

With indicators from 92% and below, it is worth talking about insufficient saturation and even signs of hypoxia.

The critical indicator is 80%, and if the device gives this value, then the data was either taken incorrectly, or we are talking about apnea.

Averages of 95% are considered normal.