Oxygen is a key element for redox processes in the body, without which metabolism is impossible.
This gas is required by all our organs – from the cardiovascular system to the brain.
In a situation where a person experiences a lack of oxygen, hypoxia develops – a condition that poses a serious danger.
That is why the question of how to raise oxygen in the blood quickly at home is so relevant.
A drop in blood oxygen saturation is most often caused by respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, etc.
If the saturation drops to 90-95%, the patient may be faced with the question of how to raise oxygen in the blood at home, but when the value drops below 90%, you need to go to the hospital.
A decrease in Sp0₂ can be accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, cardiovascular problems, cognitive decline, fainting, and more serious problems.
Pay attention to the best pulse oximeter in the market:Oxiline Pulse X Pro is currently the best fingertip pulse oximeter on the market with the easiest adjustment to your smartphone.
It can measure your Saturation Measurements and Perfusion Index in several seconds with 99% accuracy!
It can be used by both professional specialists and ordinary users at home. The latch fits snugly to the finger and does not move out during operation.The gadget consumes a minimum of energy, so it does not require frequent replacement of batteries.
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How to Understand That You Need to Raise Oxygen In the Blood at Home?
Almost all residents of megacities suffer from hypoxia.
The fact is that in modern cities oxygen from the air is increasingly being replaced by carbon dioxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide and other substances.
So, if in rural areas the oxygen content in the atmosphere is 21%, then in megacities – 17-18%.
Other factors that lead to hypoxia are diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, pregnancy, intense physical activity, and being in a stuffy, unventilated room.
Here are the symptoms that indicate that blood oxygen saturation at home or a visit to the clinic is required:
- Lethargy and drowsiness.
- Headache;
- Dizziness;
- Noise in ears.
- Cognitive decline (memory, ability to think clearly);
- Lethargy;
- Disorder of coordination of movements.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Feeling of heaviness in the chest.
- Convulsions;
- Fainting.
What Foods Increase Oxygen Levels?
Essential fatty acids will help to increase the level of oxygen in hemoglobin, which is the mechanism for transporting oxygen in the blood.
The body cannot produce many types of fatty acids, so it is important for people to eat foods such as fish, flaxseed oil, olive oil, and walnuts, which are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s.
Antioxidant-rich foods also raise the level of oxygen in the blood: legumes, leafy vegetables, cabbage, apples, pears, lemons, vegetable juices, berries.
To saturate the body with oxygen, carrots, avocados, bananas, currants, celery, garlic and dates are also useful.
This group of products is doubly useful, since the listed fruits, vegetables and berries also help to regulate blood pressure.
And, of course, food is not everything. To saturate the body with oxygen, walks in the fresh air and physical exercises are important. You must also drink enough water.
Another iron-rich food is watermelon.
It also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for the absorption of iron. With anemia, the liver will also help.
In addition to increasing hemoglobin in the blood, it will provide the body with vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Vegetarians are advised to pay attention to soybeans.
They have the same properties as the liver. Of great importance for increasing the level of hemoglobin is the regular use of spinach. This leafy vegetable is also good for hair.
Pumpkin seeds are considered the best sources of iron in their category. A small number of pumpkin seeds will provide the daily rate of iron in the body.
They are also rich in fatty acids that are good for the skin.

Consequences of Oxygen Starvation
Lack of oxygen in the lungs leads to negative changes in the functioning of all systems.
And if the cause of hypoxia is not eliminated, then these changes will become irreversible. Against the background of a prolonged lack of oxygen, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, the development of dementia, the appearance of edema and convulsions increases.
In general, due to this pathological condition, the quality of sleep worsens, and the nervous system suffers greatly.
Therefore, it is very important to determine oxygen deficiency in time, eliminate its cause and begin treatment.
Why Are Oxygen Cans Used For?
Oxygen cans have an optimal composition: 80% oxygen and 20% nitrogen.
They do not dry the respiratory tract and almost immediately relieve the symptoms of hypoxia, saturating the blood with oxygen.
You can purchase large volume oxygen cans: they are enough for 25-30 oxygen therapy procedures, and all family members can use the balloon.
As a rule, oxygen therapy at home is prescribed for people with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
A few breaths from a spray can replace a walk in the fresh air.
The benefits of using oxygen tanks are noted by people recovering from Covid-19.
It will also help you concentrate on your studies or work, relieve hangover symptoms, relieve anxiety and help you fall asleep quickly.
What Is the Best Food for Oxygen?
Antioxidant-rich foods are the best Food for Oxygen.
They raise the level of oxygen in the blood: legumes, leafy vegetables, cabbage, apples, pears, lemons, vegetable juices, berries. To saturate the body with oxygen, carrots, avocados, bananas, currants, celery, garlic and dates are also useful.
What Foods Raise Your Oxygen Level Quickly?
Water raises your oxygen level quickly.
Through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen, sufficient (but not excessive) quality water will also improve oxygen levels.
Many people say that Boiling water is the only safe and quick way to replenish the patient’s body with oxygen.
It allegedly provides the fastest rise in saturation and is the “best antibiotic”.
But officially Boiling water or hot water has no proven effect on a drop in blood oxygen levels – there are no studies proving that this way you can raise saturation.