Any CPAP mask, also known as the “face interface,” is connected to the CPAP machine via an air duct and placed over the patient’s face.
The air injected by the device under pressure through the tube and the mask enters the respiratory tract, preventing them from closing during sleep.
The patient sleeps with the mask on the face throughout the night, so it is extremely important that the mask is properly fitted.
Most patients quit CPAP therapy precisely because of the uncomfortable mask: it presses, rubs, the air from under it blows into the eyes – all this should not be.
A suitable mask is a guarantee of comfortable and effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
That’s why today I will help you to choose the easiest CPAP Masks.
As we know from previous articles, there are several CPAP Mask Types on the market:
Oral-nasal masks are usually only suitable for those who breathe through their mouths.
Nasal – fixed in the nose, usually much lighter and smaller in size, but covers a larger area than cannulas.
Cannula – usually installed directly into the nostrils, their advantage is that this type of mask does not block the view and can be used simultaneously with glasses.
But how to choose the Easiest CPAP Mask to use? Let’s figure out…
Table of Contents
What Is the Easiest CPAP Mask to Use?
There are many models of masks from different manufacturers.
All masks perform the same function and are structurally approximately the same: frame, overlay, cap.
The main differences are in the details, and often they determine whether the mask will be comfortable for you. For example, there are masks that have an adjustable angle of inclination of the frontal support, or masks with additional gel pads on the forehead.
Some masks have no frontal support – such models are convenient for those who wear glasses and like to read before bed.
The pads are also different: ordinary silicone, with an inner cushion made of gel or foam.
Any mask used for CPAP therapy always has openings for the exhalation of exhaled air, so it is impossible to suffocate in the mask, even if the device suddenly turns off in the middle of the night.
For some models, these holes are closed with a special filter – such masks are among the quietest.
In addition, the filter has some moisture-saving effect, which will not hurt if you use the device without a humidifier.
Most masks come in three sizes: S (small), M (medium), L (large). There are also non-standard sizes: XS (the smallest), Wide (for a wide bridge of the nose). Some models come with several sizes at once, so they are considered universal.
All models of masks are suitable for all models of devices, since the connector of the connecting pipe of the mask always corresponds to the standard diameter of the air duct – 22 mm.
The easiest CPAP Mask to use will be the mask that is comfortable for you and directly depends on the anatomical features of your lifestyle.
The following questions may also influence your decision:
- What is Your anatomy: hair type, facial structure and dimensions, whether you wear glasses or are claustrophobic?
- Do you prefer reading or watching movies during therapy?
- What are Recommendations from acquaintances, friends and relatives?
- What are Reviews of masks of other users in our store?
However, if you have a broken nasal septum or you breathe only through your mouth for other reasons, you need a full face (on your mouth and nose at the same time).

What is The Most Popular Style of CPAP Masks?
Full face masks are the most popular style of CPAP Masks.
This type of device is the most effective, in the case of an apnea mask it is the best choice.
If you have used other types of masks, you will most likely be surprised by the pumping power and free air volume of Full-face masks.
There are several clearly leading manufacturers on the market, among them: Resmed, BMC and Philips, here are some of their products:
What Can You Do If You Can’t Wear a CPAP mask?
Some users of CPAP and BiPAP devices (especially those who need prolonged ventilation – 20 hours a day or even more) due to constant contact of the mask with the face, a dermatological reaction may occur: redness, skin irritation and rash.
However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment.
Irritation often appears in “beginners” in the first weeks of CPAP therapy.
Once you get used to the mask, the redness and rash will most likely disappear. Also, try to use masks from leading manufacturers that use only high-quality hypoallergenic materials.
However, dermatitis and rashes may still occur in patients with sensitive skin.
Below are some tips to help minimize the side effects of wearing a CPAP mask.
- Make sure the mask fits correctly
- Wear the mask only on a clean face
- Use stickers or special mask linings
- Take good care of your mask
- Buy your size mask
Final Words of What is the Easiest CPAP Mask to Use?
For effective CPAP treatment, the comfortable type of mask that best suits the patient’s facial structure should be used.
Otherwise, the patient will not be able to use the device or will not benefit even if he/she is using it.
In some cases, improper mask fitting can even harm the patient.
The BEST and EASIEST CPAP Mask to use will be the mask that is comfortable for you and directly depends on the anatomical features of your lifestyle.
What Materials Are the Masks Made From?
Most of the masks on the market are made of silicone, while the rest are made of plastic.
There are also masks made of a gel-like material that is softer than silicone.
Usually, there are Masks what are made from materials that are not harmful to health.
However, some models can cause irritation and sores on sensitive skin. In this case, you should try different masks.
How Can I Know that The Mask is Chosen Correctly?
The mask is chosen correctly if:
- There are no air leaks from under it or are within the permissible norm;
- The device does not put pressure on the face and does not move from the head in the supine position;
- In the morning after the end of therapy, there is no constant nasal congestion, dryness and burning sensation in the upper respiratory tract.
Why Do I Have an Air Leak of CPAP Mask?
A CPAP mask with a leak isn’t a disaster – it’s usually a sign of either a poor fit or a need for replacement parts or accessories.