Category: General Health
What is a Normal Blood Oxygen Level by Age?
Your blood oxygen level refers to the amount of oxygen that your red blood cells are carrying throughout your body. Oxygen is a crucial nutrient that allows your cells and organs to function properly. As you breathe, oxygen travels into your lungs and then gets absorbed by red blood cells in the lungs’ air sacs…
Omron vs Dr Trust Blood Pressure Montitors
The most precious value of a person is their health! Therefore, for those who care about longevity and well-being, health care is our duty and an obligation. Among the many devices that allow you to monitor the main parameters of human health, it is important to highlight the blood pressure monitor. It is a mistake…
Wellue vs Frontier x Heart Rate Monitor
Buying a heart rate monitor is not the easiest thing to do, as it seems at first glance. The variety of these devices and the wide price range can make the selection process long and painful. The purposes of purchasing a monitor can also be different: From round-the-watch monitoring of the pulse, to fixing cardiac…
Wellue DuoEK vs KardiaMobile. What is The Best Portable ECG Device?
It is no secret that visiting a medical institution, long lines, lack of conditions for comfortable waiting are serious stress. And stressful situations are categorically contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The presence of a home portable electrocardiograph will help to avoid additional stressful situations associated with the need to visit a…
What is The Simplest Fitness Tracker for Seniors?
It is important for an elderly person to eat a balanced diet, exercise and relax in the fresh air. Such “Helpers” with this lifestyle can be smart watches and bracelets. Simplest Fitness Trackers help to inform the seniors about the heart rate, the distance traveled, the number of calories burned, the quality and duration of…
What Vitamin Puts Oxygen in the Blood?
If you often experience fatigue and drowsiness—even after nine hours of sleep, your heart rate increases and your head spins when you get up abruptly—these symptoms may indicate hypoxia. I understand what oxygen deficiency is, why hypoxia is dangerous and how to avoid it. Today, I want to tell you how to avoid hypoxia by…
What Foods Increase Oxygen Levels?
Oxygen is a key element for redox processes in the body, without which metabolism is impossible. This gas is required by all our organs – from the cardiovascular system to the brain. In a situation where a person experiences a lack of oxygen, hypoxia develops – a condition that poses a serious danger. That is…