Category: Pulse Oximetry
Facelake vs Zacurate Pulse Oximeters
Pulse oximetry is the simplest and most affordable method for monitoring blood oxygen saturation. Previously, only blood gas analysis was used for this. However, the use of stationary and portable pulse oximeters makes it possible in most cases to avoid the need to conduct laboratory tests and receive diagnostic results immediately on the screen. The…
How Can I get More Oxygen at Night?
During sleep, when there is a significant decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pharynx, the muscles relax and conditions are created for the complete collapse of the airways, the vibration of the mucous membrane when the walls approach in the narrowed areas of the airways causes vibrations, the sound phenomenon of snoring.…
Choicemmed vs Omron Pulse Oximeters
Always I choose the pulse oximeter very meticulously, I read all the reviews, look at people’s feedback… As for me, I am at risk group (thrombophilia), so that’s why, pulse oximeter is a good device to have at my home. And this is important not only for those who already know that he/she has problems…
Contec Finger vs Oxiline Pulse 9 Pro. What Do I Choose?
In the arterial blood of a healthy person, the saturation index ranges from 96 to 100%. If you examine the venous blood, then the value will normally be about 75%. This is due to the fact that the blood gives off some oxygen to the cells of the body, and then returns back to the…
The OURA Ring Pulse Oximeter: My Comprehensive Guide
The OURA ring pulse oximeter is a wearable device that uses advanced technology to monitor your oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate in real-time. It’s designed to be worn on your finger and is small and discreet enough to go virtually unnoticed. One of the key benefits of the OURA ring is that it provides…
Oxicare Pulse Oximeter, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter or Mobile App? My Personal Experience
In the process of breathing, the human lungs perform the function of gas exchange, saturating the circulatory system with oxygen. Oxygen is known to be transported to tissues as part of the iron-containing protein hemoglobin. By attaching oxygen molecules from the lungs to itself, hemoglobin is converted into oxyhemoglobin. A small percentage of protein that…
Zacurate 500dl vs 500bl Zacurate
The most common type of pulse oximeter is now considered to be finger-type devices. They are very compact and easy to use, so they are suitable for home use. Outwardly, they look like a big clothespin. Devices of this type are in the line of the USA brand Zacurate, an expert in medical technology. In…