Category: CPAP
Will a CPAP Help With Low Oxygen Levels?
Today, there is a phenomenon that is called “happy hypoxia” in medicine. It is when a patient may not notice low saturation (blood oxygen saturation) at all and feels good. If the saturation has fallen below 94%, then even if you feel normal, you need to go to the hospital. Many Patients with lung diseases,…
Is There an Alternative to a CPAP Machine?
As we already know from the previous article, today, the treatment of Sleep Apnea is always a CPAP therapy. The mechanism of this method is quite simple. During your sleep, excess positive pressure is created in the airways, which prevents them from collapsing and eliminates the main mechanism of the disease, which consists in cyclic…
Does CPAP Raise Oxygen Levels?
You may probably have been told or noticed that you suddenly begin to choke at night( it means low oxygen) while you are sleeping. These are unpleasant states that are hard to experience and even harder to detect. Choking during sleep is a common symptom of the sleep disorder obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS). OSA affects…
Can Mouth Breathers Use Nasal CPAP Mask?
Today let’s understand how mouth breathers can use CPAP Masks. But before let me remind you what Sleep apnea is. It is a brief stoppage of breathing during sleep. The most common type of this disorder is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In OSA, the muscles in the back of the throat relax and partially or…
What are CPAP Mask Pads & CPAP Nose Pads? How To Use Them
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and advised to use CPAP Machine you may be overwhelmed with how to choose a mask and not be able to understand what nasal liners are. This CPAP mask liners style might just be the interface you need to overcome certain CPAP portability issues like claustrophobia…
What Kind of CPAP Machine Do I Need?
When reading about CPAP machines or speaking with your doctor about them, you may have noticed that there are a variety of types that are used to treat sleep apnea. These generally include: CPAP machines Auto CPAP machines (also known as APAP machines) BiPAP machines Travel CPAP machines Let’s take a closer look at each…
ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP Machine. What BEST Masks Can be Used with ResMed AirSense10?
Today ResMed AirSense S10 is currently the most unique automatic CPAP machine in its class. The ResMed AirSense S10 is an automatic CPAP device intended for the symptomatic treatment of OSAS in adult patients. ResMed AirSense works by creating a constant positive pressure in the airways in order to open and provide free access of…