Breathe Easy, Sleep Better: The Mysteries of Sleep Apnea.
Best Pulse Oximeter For Dark Skin
Saturation can indirectly tell how well the lungs are working. The Medical Pulse Oximeter will not explain what the problem is, but will help to alert it in time. But of course there are some factors that influence saturation measurements. Let’s figure out this today together. Device manufacturers may need to refine devices so that…
Wellue O2 Ring vs Apple watch. What is the BEST Gadget to get?
More than 50 million people use all kinds of applications and gadgets that measure health indicators – and this is statistics only for the United States! A bracelet has already appeared that records the level of solar radiation and warns that it is time to update the spf. And a glass that automatically detects the…
Best Pulse Oximeter for Medical Use. Personal Experience
A pulse oximeter is a compact device that is used in modern medicine very often. The smart device displays two main indicators – the pulse (the rhythm of the arteries, which is felt due to the work of the heart) and SpO2 – the amount of oxygen in the patient’s blood. Oxygen, which is transported…
Camping with CPAP. Helpful Advice
When we are planning a camping trip we are thinking of how long can I stay off CPAP therapy? Just because you can skip CPAP for a night or two doesn’t mean you have to become someone who uses CPAP only occasionally. Regular use of CPAP everywhere (home, travel, camping) is the best way to…
Best 5 Smartwatches With An Oxygen Sensor of 2022
The coronavirus pandemic has greatly increased the demand for smartwatches with handheld oxygen sensors (SpO2). Sensors for measuring oxygen in the blood began to appear in smartwatches much earlier before the coronavirus, but in the year 2022 the popularity of such devices has grown exponentially. Now people want to know not only the heart rate…
First aid kit set for Caregivers
Who are caregivers? A caregiver is a person who takes care of a sick person for a certain amount of money. Today, hiring an assistant is a common situation, as many relatives do not have the opportunity to care for a sick person around the clock. But in order to make the right choice of…
What Must be in a Home First Aid Kit?
A home first aid kit is an “ambulance” at the first sign of illness or domestic injuries. Domestic accidents are frequent. Knife cuts, burns from touching a frying pan or hot oil – all these troubles require first aid. The correct home first aid kit must have essential items, ambulance phones and medicines. First Aid…